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We want every young person in Minnesota to succeed. Too often, the status quo does not help all students—particularly those who have been historically underserved—achieve their full potential. We're changing that.
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Cutting Through the Noise: What Mattered for Kids in the 2024 Legislative Session

The second year of a biennium often focuses on policy tweaks and a bonding bill as legislators have a shorter session to work with and an election to attend to. This year saw a very small budget target for K-12 education and partisanship that ratcheted up by the week as session headed toward adjournment. In spite of that, EdAllies worked to cut through the noise to center student needs in both policy and funding debates. 

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Attendance Is a Huge Problem, But There Is No Easy Solution

Parents—Save Those Receipts! Information on K-12 Tax Credits

May 2024 Research Rundown

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