Op-ed: Considering scholarship tax credits with an open mind
May 16, 2017
MinnPost, Nathan Strenge
As a current Minnesota teacher with experience in both private and public schools, I feel compelled to weigh in on the scholarship tax credit legislation currently being considered.
At my core I am a champion for public education. I believe public education can be the great equalizer, giving every young person – no matter his or her circumstances – the opportunity for a life-impacting education. I truly believe it will be innovations made within public schools that will ultimately give all children the education they deserve. I will spend my entire career working to drive these innovations and help public education meet the needs of its vast and diverse student body. I feel it important to start here, because often we assign motives to ideas we find controversial. Rather than engaging in substantive conversation, we make assumptions that create a caricature of dissenting viewpoints. In this context, it is vital we understand the problem scholarship tax credits aim to impact, and why they should be considered with an open mind.
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