Great Teachers for All Minnesota Classrooms: Progress & Next Steps
March 9, 2018
From our personal memories of educators who helped shape us, to research proving those impacts are real, we know that supporting great teachers can help guarantee that every child succeeds in a rigorous and engaging education. Thankfully, Minnesota policy is catching up. In recent years, legislators have advanced policies and investments to prepare, license, and retain great teachers for Minnesota students.
Click here to read our report, Great Teachers for All Minnesota Classrooms: Progress & Next Steps
But passing legislation is only the first step. For policy to have its intended impact on students, state leaders and educators must embrace change and implement it well.
To that end, this brief highlights recent policy changes and investments to strengthen Minnesota’s teacher pipeline, and explains how they should benefit educators, schools, and students. The brief also identifies next steps for advocates, practitioners, and policymakers to further ensure that Minnesota students have the great teachers they need and deserve.