Posts Tagged ‘MCAs’

Conference Committees Tackle Final Details on K-12 Bills. Will Key Provisions Get Across the Finish Line?

As the end of the legislative session approaches, lawmakers head into one of the final steps in the legislative process: […]

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Benchmarking Student Data Is Key to Understanding Proficiency

On August 25, the Minnesota Department of Education released the 2021-2022 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) data. A week later the […]

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Preparing for MCA Scores: 6 Strategies to Address Lost Learning

This week, the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) will release the reading, math, and science results from the 2021 Minnesota […]

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MN Legislators Ready to Act on K-12: How House and Senate Proposals Compare 

More than a week after Minnesota signed broad COVID-19 response legislation into law, the state’s House and Senate education committees […]

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EdAllies’ 2020 Priorities at the Capitol

The 2020 legislative session starts today, and policymakers have already identified their top priorities for the year. At EdAllies, we’re […]

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Can We Measure Student Engagement? Yes, and We Should!

Like many fourth-grade parents across Minnesota, I received my daughter’s third-grade MCA scores last month. And frankly, it’s easy as […]

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Excluded and Exaggerated Data Hides the Real State of Our Students

Each year, around the start of the school year, the Minnesota Department of Education provides an update on student achievement […]

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Taking a Hard Look at Data and Making Harder Choices

We just wrapped testing season in Minnesota. And while Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) results can’t tell the whole story of […]

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Graduation rates are up. Are our expectations?

Last month, local media reported that four-year graduation rates in Minnesota were up. Not just up, but at an all-time […]

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7 Education Debates to Watch as the Legislature Wraps Up

With two weeks left in Minnesota’s 2019 legislative session (assuming we don’t head into a special session), our divided Legislature […]

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3 Simple Ways to Make the Most of the MCAs

As a 15-year veteran public school teacher and a parent, I know just how important the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments are. […]

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What Education Proposals Landed on the Governor’s Cutting Room Floor (and Why)

As the 2018 legislative session was winding down, I reported out on key provisions that the Legislature had proposed to […]

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The Education Conference Report is Out: Here’s What You Need to Know

For the past week, a legislative conference committee has been working to reconcile the differences between education bills that the […]

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EdAllies at the Capitol: Our 2018 Priorities

The 2018 legislative session kicked off on Feb. 20, and since it’s a short session, things are already in full […]

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But Can They Read? Why We Should Care About Student Test Scores

I care about my students’ test scores. That sentiment is a bit taboo nowadays, especially in “progressive” and “liberal” circles, […]

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Minnesota, It’s Time to Break Up With the ACT

I realize what I’m about to say is unpopular. Minnesota prides itself on how many high schoolers take—and do well […]

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