Posts Tagged ‘Teacher Diversity’

June 2024 Research Rundown

For June’s Research Rundown—our curated list of recent, relevant research we think is worth adding to the education equity conversation—we’re […]

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May 2024 Research Rundown

For May’s Research Rundown—our curated list of recent, relevant research we think is worth adding to the education equity conversation—we’re […]

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March 2024 Research Rundown

For our March Research Rundown of the year—our curated list of recent, relevant research we think is worth adding to […]

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A Wrap on the 2023 Session: Tenacious DFL

Last week, Minnesota lawmakers wrapped up what many are calling an historic legislative session. With a record-setting budget surplus and […]

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May 2023 Research Rundown

Welcome to the return of the Research Rundown, EdAllies’ curated list of recent research we think is worth adding to […]

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Community Action Team: Eliminating Barriers for Prospective Teachers of Color

While nearly 35% of students in Minnesota identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color, the teacher workforce across the […]

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Why Do Prospective Teachers of Color Walk Away? Join the Community Action Team

While nearly 35% of students in Minnesota identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color, the teacher workforce across the […]

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Buckle Up! A Unique Session Ahead with High Stakes for Kids

The 2022 legislative session is about to begin, and it’s shaping up to be a unique year. For the first […]

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Legislators Finally Reach a Deal on K-12 Bill. What Did (& Didn’t) Make the Cut?

More than one month after the regular 2021 legislative session ended, legislators have reached an agreement on the K-12 education omnibus […]

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House Education Omnibus Bill: Some Good Policies with a Swing and a Miss on Teacher Licensure

This month, the Education Policy Committee released their omnibus bill—the single bill that packages all the K-12 policies the House […]

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Teachers Push Back on Licensure Changes

Minnesota students should never miss out on a great teacher because of arbitrary licensure barriers. Despite signs that tiered licensure […]

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Governor Proposes Many Steps Forward, but a Few Back

During the legislative session, the Governor has two main tools to advance his policy priorities: a proposed budget outlining spending […]

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2021 Legislative Session: Seven Issues We’re Working on for MN Kids

This legislative session, the stakes couldn’t be higher for Minnesota students, who have faced unprecedented disruption in their education. The […]

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Public Eye is on Education. Will this Translate to Action During Special Session?

This article was updated July 20 to reflect the introduction of HF96. For the second time this summer Governor Walz […]

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Big Policies Pass in Special Session, But Much Work Remains

Last week, legislators came back for a one-week special session with a renewed call to address racial equity. Leaders brought […]

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What’s in the Governor’s Education Bill?

This week, legislators held a hearing on the Governor’s education policy bill (HF3186). The bill contains several policies that will […]

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Why We Must Decolonize Civics

There’s an adage I use with my students often that the roots of our country will show up in its […]

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7 Education Debates to Watch as the Legislature Wraps Up

With two weeks left in Minnesota’s 2019 legislative session (assuming we don’t head into a special session), our divided Legislature […]

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Changes to Tiered Licensure Would Push Me Out of Public Schools

There’s been plenty of talk, and disagreement, about proposed changes to Minnesota’s new tiered licensure system: some people say the […]

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Keep Great Teachers in the Classroom. Period.

With teachers being the most important in-school factor for student success, “Who should lead our classrooms?” is no small question. In answering […]

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White Educators in Minnesota: We Need to Step Up

In the 2017-2018 school year, 47,199 African-American students took the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment in reading. 30,584 did not pass. 41,299 […]

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Hey Minnesota: Let’s Not Push Teachers of Color Out of the Classroom

This week, the Legislature held a hearing on HF 824, the Increase Teachers of Color Act, which seeks to double […]

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What’s Working Best to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color in MN

The new 2019 Minnesota Teacher Supply and Demand report shines a light on Minnesota’s dire shortage of teachers of color, and […]

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While Adults Talk About Teacher Diversity, Nothing is Changing for Youth of Color

As a young person of color, I know just how badly we need to increase teacher diversity in Minnesota. That’s […]

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Shape Our Work for MN Students. Join Community Allies.

You are our ally. We want your help to inform our work for Minnesota students. At EdAllies, we work to […]

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Why I Want Teachers of Color for Minnesota Kids & What I’m Doing About It

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the importance of representation. Between the film “Black Panther,” and celebrations of […]

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Caucus to Get Education Equity in Your Party’s Platform

On Tuesday, Feb. 6, Minnesota caucus-goers can shape their political parties’ priorities—and spark change for the state’s students and schools. […]

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True Life: Teacher Prep Didn’t Prepare Me to Teach

When I’m being honest with myself, I know I had no business in front of a classroom. I had no […]

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Meet the First Class of EdVoices

When we founded EdAllies, we knew that a big part of our work would be fostering a new conversation about […]

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So, What Would the Proposed Teacher Licensure Overhaul Actually Do?

What a recent Pioneer Press article said represents, “one of the biggest reforms to state education policy in recent history,” […]

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Gov. Dayton Vetoed the Education Funding Bill. Now What?

On Friday, Gov. Dayton vetoed HF890, the omnibus E-12 education appropriations bill. While this bill got a lot right for […]

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